Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth, Geschäftsführender Institutsleiter am Fraunhofer FOKUS
Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth, Executive Director of Fraunhofer FOKUS Phillip Plum / Fraunhofer FOKUS


Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth

As spokesperson of the center, Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth represents Fraunhofer SIRIOS in all external matters. The spokesperson is also part of the steering board.

Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth is director of Fraunhofer FOKUS.

Niklas Reinhardt
Philipp Plum / Fraunhofer FOKUS

Managing Director

Niklas Reinhardt 

As managing director of the center, Niklas Reinhardt is responsible for center management and acts at the interface of all internal committees and teams.

Niklas Reinhardt is head of the corporate communications department at Fraunhofer FOKUS.

Steering Committee

As the strategic management instrument of the center, the steering board is composed of the four directors of the participating institutes and a representative from Fraunhofer headquarters (Munich). The steering board represents the center at the management level vis-à-vis funding agencies and decision-makers from authorities and organizations for safety and security, industry and politics. Thus, the board sets the framework for the external positioning and is responsible for the center's medium-term orientation and financing as well as the development of the scientific portfolio. Overall, the Steering Board thus ensures the center's fundamental ability to work.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Stefan Hiermaier, Director Fraunhofer EMI

Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth, Director Fraunhofer FOKUS

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jürgen Beyerer, Director Fraunhofer IOSB

Prof. Dr. Matthias Klingner, Director Fraunhofer IVI

Dr. Birgit Geier, Head of the Department for Research Coordination of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft