Fields of application

Fraunhofer SIRIOS pools the expertise of the four Fraunhofer Institutes, EMI, FOKUS, IOSB, and IVI, in five strategic application areas to simulate urban infrastructures. Research focuses are set in these areas in various projects, and simulation technologies are developed and tested.

SIRIOS, Anwendungsfelder
Fraunhofer FOKUS / Philipp Plum

Digitalization of security and protection of KRITIS

The increasing complexity and interconnectivity of KRITIS systems increases the risk of cross-network cascade effects due to local damage. Coupled digital twins of supply networks and buildings make it possible to virtually depict different what-if scenarios and assess their impact on specific security situations.

SIRIOS, Anwendungsfelder
Fraunhofer FOKUS / Philipp Plum

Reconnaissance, communication and operational command

Procedures for data-based reconnaissance, communication, and operational command support emergency services in dealing with complex threat situations. The interoperability of command and control systems is particularly important given federal responsibilities and the security forces' country-specific equipment.

SIRIOS, Anwendungsfelder
Fraunhofer FOKUS / Philipp Plum

Virtual planning and support for major events

Human behavior and technical faults can cause hazardous situations at major events. Simulations support the planning-approval-implementation process, i.e., the assessment of the safety infrastructure, possible hazards, and countermeasures. The protection of personal rights is of particular importance here.

SIRIOS, Anwendungsfelder
Fraunhofer FOKUS / Philipp Plum

Participation, risk and crisis communication

Simulations help to better understand the interplay of communication, reception, and behavior in the population and to increase the subjective perception of security, as well as acceptance of and trust in measures. Privacy and security-by-design approaches are essential here.

SIRIOS, Anwendungsfelder
Fraunhofer FOKUS / Philipp Plum

Visualization and hybrid test environments

Virtual and hybrid deployment scenarios allow realistic determination of security measures, taking into account people's direct interactions. Security technologies are thus tested for their suitability for use.